Tips to Beat the BonnaBlues

Tips to Beat the BonnaBlues

Post-festival blues: 7 things that can help you feel better after surviving a music festival

Back to reality is never easy, but these tips can help ease the transition from the loophole…

If you are like me, the harrowing race back to work after a festival always takes its toll. Added to the multiple days of non-stop parting and camping, coupled with the lack of sleep, I have been feeling a bit off. We will always have our memories of the experience but currently, those good times are just that, a memory. Now that we are back to everything else, here are some tips to shake those BonnaBlues.

keep the good energy flowing and continue to pass it on!

It is really important to keep the good energy flowing and continue to pass it on!

1. The number 1 thing is to continue to be inspired by all that positive energy and continue to pass it on!

People often look at me oddly and are quite surprised when I offer up a high-five or say a random happy day! Or when I am waiting on something or in a stressful situation I burst into song and dance. We all have our way of lightening the mood. None-the-less, I find being in good spirits is contagious and it is easier and more healthy to have a smile on your face rather than a frown. So close your eyes, go to your happy place…hum that song, whistle while you work and always remember…Keep going!

2. Get some sleep

The good news is the sun will not be roasting you as soon as it comes up in your tent and hopefully, you are back to your comfy bed. Make sure to get 8 hours of sleep to recharge and rest your bones. Research shows that consistently getting seven to eight hours of sleep per night is beneficial for adults. Any more or less can increase your risk for serious conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and even death. Getting enough quality sleep is also key to a healthy lifestyle.

3. Eat Something Nutritious

Now that it is no more festival food and beer for breakfast, you should practice a bit of self-care and eat some nutritious foods that can help your body recover.

Immediately after a festival marathon, you should replace depleted muscle glycogen by consuming carbohydrate-packed foods such as bananas, raisins, granola bars, energy bars, bagels and pita bread. Many sports drinks supply carbohydrate, too. I usually go for some gravy biscuits, but I have a tradition.

A smart recovery nutrition plan will decrease inflammation, improve energy/mood. Try getting plenty of omega-3s from salmon, fish or walnuts. Omega 3’s can help reduce joint swelling, while also providing a lean source of protein for muscle repair. Three great foods to eat are Chia seeds, hemp seeds and blueberries.

Chia Seeds

Slows the impact of sugar on the bloodstream which can help with post-race cravings, while also expanding and helping to maintain hydration levels. Also known as a great source of protein to help with muscle repair.

Post Roo Smoothie with Berries

Start with some pineapple, an orange and add a handful of blueberries and/or mixed berries to your favorite kind of milk. Next, add chia and hemp seeds for the perfect balance of carbs and healthy fats. This simple post Roo smoothie is great for boosting immunity which is down after the stress of the festival marathon, plus a study in Journal of International Society of Sports Nutrition showed that eating blueberries accelerates muscle recovery and resulted in faster recovery rate when consumed before and after exercise. Not to mention all that vitamin C will also help with those Bonnaful symptoms.

Very Well Mind has some great suggestions in this article: 7 Ways to Boost Your Mood With Food.

4. Get more Natural light

If you are feeling those post Roo blues – get outside more!

Those days you spent sleeping outside really did your brain and body good. According to this article explains 7 amazing things that happen to you when you sleep outdoors.

Photo by Chris Gonzalez from Pexels

As tempting as it may be to binge on Netflix and enjoy the air-conditioning, getting outside and soaking up some sun will really help boost your endorphins and help shake those blues.

Open all your shades and windows and get some fresh air. Walk as far as you had to walk to go back to your camp every day and keep soaking up that vitamin D. Walking fast for about 35 minutes a day five times a week, improved symptoms of mild to moderate depression. A preliminary study also found that exercise under bright light improved general mental health, social functioning, depressive symptoms, and vitality. This is all the more reason to get outside for a brisk walk in the sunshine.

Photo by bruce mars from Pexels

5. Exercise

Some of you took part in my Festival Fit: 100 Day Challenge with HASFit

And if not you can check out HASFit and find a workout to suit your fitness levels. Don’t let their smiling faces fool you, these two will have you begging for mercy, but they will make you feel and look so good. They have so many great videos like this one for lower back pain.

When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins. These endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain. Since 1970, researchers have found that there are actually a lot of activities that can cause an endorphin boost in the body: meditation, laughing, eating chocolate, and even spicy food. And the exercise of course is another big way.

Here are a few seconds just to take you back…Hopefully, you caught Nahko and Medicine for the People on Saturday!

6. Blasting Music –

In a 2013 study, researchers showed that listening to upbeat music significantly improved the listener’s mood. I know you added some new favorties to your playlist so get up and get moving.

There ain’t nobody watching so time to DANCE!

Spotify has a great Bonnaroo 2020playlist and if you sign up you can listen for FREE with commercials.

Dance Today, Smile Today

Dancing is an excellent form of exercise because it not only burns calories and builds muscles, but it also contributes to an overall sense of happiness. Of course, all exercise releases endorphins, but dancing has an increased effect in this realm because it’s not only the physical activity but also the music, that affects the mind.

Endorphins are released when the body is forced to exert itself at a certain level. Dancing also affects the mind by contributing to a sense of satisfaction.

7. Start planning to go to another MUSIC FESTIVAL!

Check out my list of 2020 festivals

This one gets my vote as the BEST!

Now that the utopia is over until next year, the best thing you can do is to keep the memories alive, smile about them often and start planning for next year’s totem! Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Ya’ll crack me up! I love all the creativity…keep it flowing!


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